Sisters in Space

“Sisters in Space” is a re-imagining of the two sisters of Lazarus from Luke 10:38-42, Mary and Martha.

"Sisters in Space" acrylic ©Sara Drescher-private collection

"Sisters in Space" acrylic ©Sara Drescher-private collection

Each sister had a different response when Jesus visited their home.  Martha bustled around trying to get the food ready and made sure her guests were comfortable.  Mary didn’t help her sister, but instead sat at Jesus feet to receive what he would say.  Martha chastised her sister for not helping, but Jesus defended Mary by saying she had chosen the better path.
Many people can identify with Mary or Martha.  I think they represent different places in our walk with Christ.  Jesus loves us in both places and each woman still has to continue on her journey with the Lord.
The sisters in space is a humorous look at the continuing journey.  Both sisters are dressed in Renaissance inspired garments and appear to be in some imagined space ship.  Mary has her space helmet on in preparation to walk outside the ship.  She holds a bird on her had that represents our trust in God to take care of our needs.  On her bracelet is a charm shaped like an anchor.  The anchor is a symbol of Christ as our hope that anchors us during trials.  Martha holds her smart phone in her hand which shows her still linked to the world and its expectations and worries.  However, her necklace is a compass which symbolizes her trust in the Lord to guide her and confirms her leadership.